Summary Information
Harry J. Bowie Papers 1964-1967
Mss 31; Micro 928
0.6 c.f. (2 archives boxes) and 1 reel of microfilm (35 mm)
Wisconsin Historical Society (Map)
Papers collected by New Jersey minister Harry J. Bowie while he worked in the McComb, Mississippi, area as a participant in the National Council of Churches Delta Ministry Project from 1964 to 1967. Included are correspondence, affidavits, personal records, notes, circulars, and flyers pertaining to arrests of volunteers, Freedom Schools, Head Start, voter registration, the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, the Poor People's Corporation, and the Project's and Bowie's personal finances. On microfilm are a card file on personnel involved in the Delta Ministry Project, with names of local residents who also participated, and two scrapbooks of clippings regarding Mississippi and civil rights. English