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00:00:02 - Origins. Undergraduate Converse College. Fulbright in France. 00:01:10 - Met Susan Savarin from UW. Decided to come to UW. Had fellowship first year, 1967-68. 00:01:49 - Had TA in September 1969. Not involved in campus uproar at all. Apolitical. 00:03:48 - Jo Ann Oliver and Pamela Weir roommates. Eighty French TAs in TAA. 00:06:08 - Wanted to be sure it was not a radical movement. Became convinced it was labor issue. Becoming aware of unjust treatment of TAs. Hard to make change from gratitude to sense of rights. 00:08:12 - Didn't know people on faculty. Intimidated by them. Richard Switzer resigned as chairman during strike, had been buildup of animosity among faculty throughout year. 00:10:37 - Teaching load as TA. Two preparations contrast to roommate who was paid more for one preparation. 00:12:52 - Had to weigh rights against chance of being fired and willing to risk being fired. Sense of solidarity helped. 00:14:01 - How the meetings helped. Marketti, Muehlenkamp good speakers, convincing. Muehlenkamp charismatic. Started going meetings second semester. 00:15:46 - Got reports from stewards' council via Jo Ann. 00:16:16 - Started recruiting among French TAs. Arguments people had against strike. 00:17:44 - Where TAA meetings held. TAA fear of being listened in on. 00:18:44 - Who could be in TAA. Numbers at meetings. 00:19:51 - Stopped being concerned about radicalism. A little worried by Mother Jones group while picketing but only briefly. 00:21:24 - TAA meeting after vacation on stepping up tactics. French department group opposed to any violence. Meeting was at Ag Hall. Radical caucus wanted to step up tactics. French department caucused. Announced would drop out of strike (Jo Ann made announcement). Wrong time to say it. Might have solidified rift. 00:24:05 - Skill of leadership in keeping meetings open, letting people talk. 00:25:18 - Ira Shore was parliamentarian-history or English. Also good speaker. Bruce Vandervort, history, also good. An older man, in his fifties. Among most radical. 00:26:49 - The women. A woman's caucus. objected to small role of women. BS's surprise, why bring in women's rights? Not sympathetic. Was during strike. 00:29:58 - Dissatisfaction with contract. TAs who had not supported strike came and voted to accept contract. 00:31:38 - Day after strike facing colleagues who hadn't joined in strike. Division was permanent. 00:32:05 - The exhilarating effects of strike, the solidarity, telegrams from other groups. 00:33:08 - Union songs. 00:33:27 - BS didn't go to bargaining sessions that year. 00:34:49 - BS met Haslach when he addressed a recruiting party. 00:35:20 - Felt confidence in leaders since some of them were in Labor Relations, would know what they were doing. Carl Schramm, Marketti. 00:37:23 - BS doesn't remember the women who were active. Overriding concern was strike. 00:38:32 - Thought of United Faculty as sympathetic but lacking in power. 00:39:21 - Vote to end strike. 00:40:34 - Two outstanding meetings: one in BlO Commerce, waiting for bargaining team to come back. Some thought leadership was misleading rank and file to insure strike vote. Fear of striking. Confidence that even those who opposed strike would strike. 00:43:25 - Confidence that even those who opposed strike would strike. 00:44:06 - BS picket captain. Her feelings. The skillful organizing. A booklet telling captains what to do. Comfort at seeing buses striking. 00:45:00 - Hope of uniting with University workers. How they talked to people to convince them not to cross picket lines. Attitude to students. Sudden awareness of selves as students. 00:49:53 - BS supported Cambodia strike, i.e. got involved in anti-war movement. 00:50:56 - Went to France next year. Did a lot of reading in feminist literature. 00:52:27 - Educational planning issue. French department had no problem. TAs teaching language. Controlled courses. Faculty prepared exams and could visit without notice. But now ironed out. Excellent teacher training program. Students couldn't really participate usefully in planning language teaching. 00:56:11 - Karen Gorder, TAA official from French department. 00:56:33 - Membership dropped off after contract. Less interest. 01:04:19 - More on women in TAA. 01:05:12 - French department much more relaxed in mid-70s. 01:06:33 - Ford fellowship program not well suited to French graduate study. 01:07:08 - Increase in enrollment. 01:08:01 - French department gives up to five years support for French TAs when enrollments high enough. 01:09:26 - BS's year in France. 01:11:29 - BS's course. 01:18:23 - BS's advisor, Helene Cassidy. Slow promotions as woman faculty member. Husband, Frederic, in English department. Work for anthology of French women writers. 01:28:00 - Ann Cothran. Problems graduate students have with thesis directors. 01:32:43 - Effect of concern over enrollment on acceptance of dissertations. 01:36:09 - The Feminist Criticism Collective. Breff-Bulletin of Research on French Feminist Studies. Christienne Makward. 01:37:46 - People in women's studies-Annis Pratt, Evelyn Beck. More on collective. 01:38:59 - Observations on MLA--the women's meetings. 01:42:13 - BS's feeling as woman graduate student. Concern about jobs. Men having worse time. 01:45:17 - BS's year in charge of French House. Difficult to get residents so took non-French majors. 01:50:48 - More on difficulty to get residents so took non-French majors. Michele Meisart now head.