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00:00:03 - Born in Pennsylvania. BA and MA at Penn State. Ph.D. at University of Illinois, Urbana. Worked for DuPont, then for National Science Foundation Centers for Excellence. Invited to UW as associate chairman of department. 00:02:17 - Came here July 1, 1967. Does a lot of administrative work. Has one course, no research project. 00:06:04 - Bob Ginsburg. 1976 TA head is chemistry TA--an exception. 00:07:06 - UW chemistry department highly ranked; can get its pick of graduate students. 00:07:41 - Policy on foreign students. 00:08:16 - Nearly all graduate students are TAs (e.g. 58 of 60 in 1976). 00:10:13 - Size of classes fixed by size of labs. Analytical and organic chemistry fixed at 18. 00:11:19 - TAA wouldn't have been a viable union of Mulvihill recommendations were implemented. 00:11:47 - Irving Shain chemistry department chairman, 1967-68. Was on Mulvihill committee. New chancellor that year (Sewell), a period of instability. 00:12:56 - Abuses of TA system in some departments in late '60s, e.g. history. 00:14:07 - The Shabaz proposal an immediate incitement. 00:14:48 - AK recalls meeting with Hanson prior to Dow interviews, in old chemistry building. 00:17:24 - A satisfied group of TAs will not need a union. 00:17:51 - Had genuine grievances that were not met. 00:18:46 - Following year a long period; acting chancellor (Kearl), then Young. Authority too unstable to settle TA problem. 00:20:31 - Thinks chancellor should have withdrawn recognition when strike was declared; didn't because he feared reaction of colleagues in industrial relations. An artist or historian chancellor wouldn't have minded what unions thought. 00:22:30 - Strike and its handling; recognizing union not trailblazing. Only one other university has a TA union. 00:24:11 - Thinks majority of faculty would have voted not to recognize. 00:25:19 - Chemistry thought adversarial position imposed by union not desirable. 00:26:53 - AK was on graduate admissions committee; reason he was chosen for Council of Ten. 00:27:41 - Vote in chemistry department was two-to-one, 34-62. Why so many were for the union. 00:28:20 - Chemistry TA's grievances--not enough planning input. 00:28:58 - Graduate student-faculty conference committee established after strike. 00:30:09 - No departmental action on unionizing before strike. Probably some pressure by some members of department on graduate students not to join union. 00:31:01 - Professor objected to presence of student at faculty meeting. 00:31:30 - Subsequent graduate career of student. 00:33:26 - Jennings Cline, steward, picketed but also met class. Shain disapproved. Said should have courage of convictions. 00:34:35 - Work stoppage in spring 1976 had only three chemistry TAs. 00:34:50 - Comments on Kotch's newspaper quote on educational planning. 00:35:11 - Harassment. 00:37:27 - More on department stand. Recalls meeting where consensus was agreed to. A young faculty member's letter protesting it. 00:39:09 - Reactions on appointment to Council of 10. Felt important to represent department in which union was weak. 00:40:30 - Faculty reactions to his remark quoted in newspaper. Vindicated in faculty meeting. 00:41:45 - Shain came to meeting, at Kotch's suggestion, where planning was being bargained. 00:42:51 - Reaction to bargaining sessions. 00:43:16 - Council of Ten meetings. Difference between administration's representative (Bucklew or Krinsky) and faculty. One has to get agreement, the other doesn't. 00:47:37 - Thought Bucklew did a good job. 00:50:12 - Some discussion of peer review issue. Chemistry department has voluntary system. Reaction to having to evaluate TAs and then letting TA read evaluation. Evaluation in industry. 00:52:24 - Good effect of strike was more systematic evaluation. 00:55:03 - Graduate student-faculty conference committee. John Harriman, chairman. Move to have more graduate students on committees. There were more open meetings. Died on the vine. 00:55:59 - Second vote, in '73 or '74, when chemistry TAs again rejected TAA. 00:56:51 - Question on chemistry department pressure on German department on handling of TAs, tied to language requirement. 00:58:24 - Chemistry departments' language requirements. German important in chemistry--and English is improved when one studies a foreign language. Great deficiency in English among students. Important for chemistry students to be able to write well, explain their work, write their reports. 00:59:42 - Clear decline in English proficiency in recent years. 01:04:13 - English department's efforts to investigate level of English among chemistry students this summer--plan tested at freshman and junior level. 01:06:05 - Discussion of incidents of delivery of liquid nitrogen to chemistry building. 01:10:05 - Marketti invaded a chemistry faculty meeting. Kotch and Shain talked to Marketti. A leaflet Marketti distributed and his compliment for Kotch. 01:12:21 - Kotch did not shout at TAs during the delivery of chemicals. 01:13:24 - How current (1976) contract affected class size. Chemistry didn't have to honor contract since union didn't have a majority. 01:16:35 - More on Mulvihill report. Union pressure may have been necessary.