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00:00:00 - JC describes the mood of the campus during the period of student protests, especially the TA strike and the Sterling Hall bombing. 00:04:27 - He discusses the appointment of Joseph Kauffman as dean of students. JC also discusses the assistant deans. He evaluates Kauffman’s effectiveness as dean and outlines the organizational make-up of the dean of students’ office. 00:09:04 - JC discusses Kauffman’s replacement, F. Chandler Young. 00:11:19 - He describes the decision making process behind mandatory budget cuts within Student Affairs. These changes included a reduction in housing and counseling services and the decision to re-constitute some of units in the Division of Academic Services. 00:18:05 - JC discusses the staff of Academic Services including Jim Churchill and Blair Matthews. He describes the composition and function of the Associate Administrative Council. JC talks about other academic staff members and changes in the department’s facilities. 00:30:06 - JC begins discussing Mercile Lee. 00:30:54 - JC describes the hiring and duties of Mercile Lee. He assesses the importance of issues dealing with diversity and affirmative action during the 1970s and 1980s. 00:40:14 - He explains the origins and purpose of the Chancellors Scholarship Program for Undergraduate and Disadvantaged Students. JC describes the fundraising efforts for minority scholarships and describes how the program has changed over time. 00:48:33 - JC discusses the Academic Advancement Program. He traces the development of the minority advancement programs within the University. 00:52:49 - JC describes the functions of the Registrar during his tenure on campus. He discusses efforts to improve the course registration process.