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00:00:00 - Robert Bless continues to talk about his service on the Gemini project. He stepped down as chairman of the board in 1993. 00:02:40 - He thinks poor oversight contributed to the failure of the high-speed photometer on the Hubble space telescope. 00:05:25 - RB continued to teach a normal load of courses during his work on space projects. 00:06:49 - He served as both associate chair and chair of the astronomy department. He first chaired the department from 1972 to 1976. RB talks about some difficult tasks he undertook as chair. 00:17:43 - During his tenure as chair he looked for partners to build a new telescope. 00:19:14 - RB worked hard to recruit more female graduate students. 00:23:22 - He talks about a law suit concerning the Pine Bluff observatory. 00:29:27 - He talks about the Sterling Hall bombing. 00:31:41 - Robert Bless continues to talk about the Sterling Hall bombing. 00:33:07 - He discusses the rebuilding of Sterling Hall and his experience of teaching in an atmosphere of student activism on campus. 00:45:20 - RB describes his committee service for the University of Wisconsin. He served on the E.B. Fred Fellowship Committee and the Academic Staff Review Committee, among others. He talks about sitting on a departmental review committee. 00:48:55 - He served two terms on the Divisional Committee. 00:53:12 - He found his work on the Graduate School Research Committee less satisfying than the Divisional Committee. 01:00:24 - He chaired the committee to name the Physics/Pharmacy/Astronomy building.