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00:00:00 - Introduction 00:00:25 - Family life 00:01:40 - Country school 00:01:59 - Farm boy 00:02:26 - Enlisting twice! 00:03:33 - Great Lakes basic training 00:05:58 - Homesick 00:06:30 - Assigned to USS Indianapolis 00:06:37 - Kamikaze attack 00:08:37 - Pot loader 00:10:07 - Repairing the ship 00:11:11 - Sinking of the Indianapolis 00:18:38 - Captain McVay 00:19:39 - McVay’s Trial 00:20:08 - Rescued from the sea 00:22:44 - Life after the war 00:23:19 - Purple Heart 00:23:45 - Veterans organizations 00:24:04 - Health issues 00:25:11 - Books and documentaries