
  1. [Title Page]
  2. Foreword / Forbes, J.J.
  3. Preface / Fischman, Leonard L.
  4. Contents
  5. Review of the mineral industries in 1950 / McGann, Paul W.; Fischman, Leonard L.
  6. Statistical summary of mineral production / D'Amico, K. Joyce
  7. Employment and injuries in the mineral industries / Reese, Seth T.
  8. Abrasive materials / Chandler, Henry P.; Tucker, G. E.
  9. Aluminum / Blue, Delwin D.
  10. Antimony / Renick, Abbott; Wright, E. Virginia
  11. Arsenic / Kemp, Arnold S.
  12. Asbestos / Bowles, Oliver; Barsigian, F.M.
  13. Asphalt and related bitumens / Redfield, A. H.; Sims, Elizabeth
  14. Barite / Arundale, Joseph C.; Barsigian, F.M.
  15. Bauxite / Kurtz, Horace F.; Blue, D.D.
  16. Bismuth / Renick, Abbott
  17. Cadmium / Mote, Richard H.
  18. Carbon black / Colby, D. S.; Barton, H. J.; Oppegard, B. E.
  19. Cement / North, Oliver S.; Balser, Esther V.
  20. Chromium / Melcher, Norwood B.; Forbes, Jachin M.
  21. Clays / Gunsallus, Brooke L.; Ritenour V.E.
  22. Coal--bituminous and lignite / Young, W. H.; Anderson, R. L.; Hall, E. M.
  23. Coal--Pennsylvania anthracite / Corgan, J. A.; Cooke, Marian I.
  24. Cobalt / Davis, Hubert W.; Buck, Charlotte R.
  25. Coke and coal chemicals / DeCarlo, J. A.; Corgan, J. A.; Otero, Maxine M.
  26. Copper / Meyer, Helena M.; Greenspoon, Gertrude N.
  27. Feldspar / Gunsallus, Brooke L.; Tucker, G. E.
  28. Ferro-alloys / Melcher, Norwood B.
  29. Fluorspar and Cryolite / Davis, Hubert W.
  30. Fuel briquets and packaged fuel / Corgan, J. A.; Chiriaco, Golden V.
  31. Gem stones / Foshag, W. F.; Switzer, George; Chandler, H. P.
  32. Gold and silver / Bell, James E.
  33. Gypsum / North, Oliver S.; Downey, May G.
  34. Helium / Mullins, Paul V.; Wheeler, Henry P., Jr.
  35. Iron ore / Melcher, Norwood B.; Forbes, Jachin M.
  36. Iron and steel / Ridgway, Robert H.; Melcher, Norwood B.
  37. Iron and steel scrap / Larkin, James E.
  38. Lead / Mote, Richard H.; den Hartog, Edith E.
  39. Lead and zinc pigments and zinc salts / Meyer, Helena M.; Mitchell, Alethea W.
  40. Lime / Bowles, Oliver; Barsigian, F.M.; Seebold, A. H.
  41. Magnesium / Comstock, H. B.
  42. Magnesium compounds / Arundale, Joseph C.; Barsigian, F.M.
  43. Manganese / Melcher, Norwood B.
  44. Mercury / Meyer, Helena M.; Mitchell, Alethea W.
  45. Mica / Arundale, Joseph C.; Jensen, Nan C.
  46. Molybdenum / Geehan, Robert W.
  47. Natural gas / Colby, D. S.; Barton, H. J.; Oppegard, B. E.
  48. Natural gasoline and liquefied petroleum gases / Colby, D. S., et al.
  49. Nickel / Davis, Hubert W.
  50. Nitrogen compounds / Johnson, Bertrand L.
  51. Peat / Corgan, J. A.; Chiriaco, Golden V.
  52. Petroleum and petroleum products / White, A. G., et al.
  53. Phosphate rock / Johnson, Bertrand L.; Jensen, Nan C.
  54. Platinum-group metals / Bell, James E.; McBreen, Kathleen M.
  55. Potash / Johnson, Bertrand L.; Jensen, Nan C.
  56. Salines--miscellaneous / Arundale, Joseph C.; Barsigian, F.M.
  57. Salt / Harris, Florence E.; Barsigian, F.M.
  58. Sand and gravel / Chandler, Henry P.; Tucker, G. E.
  59. Secondary metals--nonferrous / McDermid, Archie J.
  60. Slag--iron blast furnace / Runner, D.G.
  61. Slate / Bowles, Oliver; Downey, M.G.
  62. Stone / Chandler, Henry P.; Jensen, Nan C.
  63. Sulfur and pyrites / Josephson, G.W.; Barsigian, F.M.
  64. Talc and pyrophyllite / Johnson, Bertrand L.; Barsigian, F.M.
  65. Tin / Renick, Abbott; Umhau, John B.
  66. Titanium / Cservenyak, Frank J.
  67. Tungsten / Geehan, Robert W.
  68. Uranium, radium, and thorium / Clark, Jack W.; Keiser, H.D.
  69. Vanadium / Davis, Hubert W.
  70. Zinc / Mote, Richard H.; Miller, Esther B.
  71. Minor metals / Clark, Jack W.
  72. Minor nonmetals / Lamb, F.D., et al.
  73. The mineral industry of Alaska / Ransome, Alfred L.; Kerns, William H.
  74. Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Arizona / Luff, Paul
  75. Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in California / Maurer, R.B.
  76. Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Colorado / Martin, A. J.
  77. Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in East of the Mississippi River / Gustavson, Samuel A.
  78. Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Idaho / Robertson, Almon F.; Halverson, Virginia
  79. Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Arkansas / Netzeband, F.F.; Feltch, Alice
  80. Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Montana / Robertson, Almon F.; Halverson, Virginia
  81. Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Nevada / Maurer, R.B.
  82. Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in New Mexico / Martin, A. J.
  83. Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Oregon / Maurer, R.B.
  84. Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in South Dakota / Gustavson, Samuel A.
  85. Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Texas / Netzeband, F.F.; Feltch, Alice
  86. Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Utah / Luff, Paul
  87. Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Washington / Robertson, Almon F.; Halverson, Virginia
  88. Gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Wyoming / Martin, A. J.
  89. Mineral production of the world, 1949-50 / Mitchell, Berenice B.
  90. Index / Winslow, Mabel E.
  91. Notice to readers of chapter preprints