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00:00:04 - Introduction 00:00:39 - Birth. 00:00:50 - Family History. 00:01:07 - Mother's family. 00:01:38 - Flemish Language. 00:02:08 - Schooling at Water Division School (how it got its name). 00:03:15 - Church. 00:03:43 - Shopping practices in his childhood. 00:05:00 - Trips to Green Bay. 00:05:18 - A typical day on the farm. 00:05:41 - Lumber Camp experiences (He started going to the camps in 1912). 00:06:48 - Railroad was used in his day to transport logs (No floating logs down the river). 00:07:22 - How the lumber camps looked. 00:08:18 - Buildings in the camps. 00:08:39 - Pay for work in the camps. 00:09:02 - Oct.-Mar. season in the camps. 00:09:59 - Transportation to the camps. 00:10:12 - Recreation in the camps. 00:10:24 - A typical day in the camps. 00:11:10 - Lunch in the woods. 00:12:29 - Number of men in the camps. 00:12:41 - Railroad ties (comparison of prices then and now). 00:13:50 - Food in the camps. 00:14:45 - Quitting time each day. 00:15:23 - World War I. 00:15:28 - He was working for Allis-Chalmers in Milwaukee making ammunition for England when the war broke out. 00:16:05 - Nationality of the factory workers. 00:16:39 - 18 cents per hour working in the factory. 00:17:02 - Military training in Battle Creek. 00:17:29 - Shipped out to France. 00:18:59 - He was in the railroad engineers in France (not the trenches). 00:20:08 - Return from the war. 00:20:16 - Work after the war. 00:21:19 - Marriage at age 41. 00:21:48 - Bought the farm from his parents. 00:22:08 - Purchase of milking machine. 00:22:27 - Hand milking versus machine milking. 00:23:13 - Has five children. 00:23:34 - Retirement. 00:25:23 - Flemish Celebrations. 00:25:31 - Flemish Kermis held on Humboldt Road in a tavern and hall (Rainbow Gardens). 00:26:13 - Flemish and Walloons attend Kermises. 00:26:25 - Preble Kermis on July 9 at Holy Martyrs of Gorkum Congregation. 00:28:12 - Foods. 00:30:35 - Mr. Clabots' son took over the farm. 00:30:50 - Haying practices today. 00:31:37 - Early Haying practices. 00:32:50 - Plowing when he farmed. 00:33:13 - Changes in farming.