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00:00:03 - Continuation of Pentecostal parade. Grandparents set up an altar outside for it (There is a break in this narrative but it is all there). 00:02:31 - Changes in the church. The holy items are no longer special. 00:03:54 - Feels there was no spiritual harm to those who attended Vilatte's church. 00:04:35 - Remembers a newspaper against the Catholic Church called the Menace. 00:05:03 - The Polish in Pulaski fell away from the church. 00:05:15 - Feels Episcopal is very much like Catholic. 00:07:30 - Thinks there is now much less praying in church and more singing. 00:08:05 - Speaking the last part of the "Holy Mary" in Walloon. 00:09:00 - Settlers were lonely so they prayed a lot. 00:09:24 - Joke about first Belgian settlers. 00:10:02 - Belgians thought forest lumber was valuable. But ended up burning it because no one would buy it. 00:10:49 - Remembers no Belgian songs. 00:11:04 - Can buy Belgian Pie and get a good meal at Champion for Kermis. 00:12:11 - Joe Francis, the bank president, was a Spiritualist. Location of church in Green Bay. 00:13:16 - Mrs. DeWarzger was the first minister. Doesn't know about their services. 00:13:47 - Milwaukee Priest disclosed the Spiritualist church tricks. 00:15:52 - Can't understand why the Belgians fell away. Few actually fell. 00:17:20 - Funerals sad because settlers were so close knit. Wore black veils, mourned for two years. 00:18:46 - Mr. Noel wore a black crepe band on his arm and a black bow on his hat while mourning his wife's death. 00:20:59 - Remembers family preparation for church when he was young. Had a special meal every evening before church. 00:22:29 - Rode to church on a wagon. Kids sometimes squealed in church. 00:23:22 - Church was part of life and was accepted completely. 00:23:44 - Impressions of the WPA. 00:25:07 - Salaries cut overnight during the Depression. 00:26:18 - His bank closed but reorganized and reopened. 00:27:30 - People were conservative during the Depression. 00:28:28 - Family never fished. Father bought herring from ice fishers. 00:30:35 - Father took trips across frozen bay to sell hay in Menominee. Was gone two days.