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00:00:02 - Mr. Greene's personal views on Vilatte's character. 00:06:34 - Attitude of Vilatte's parishioners after he was run out. 00:07:39 - News about Vilatte in worldwide papers. 00:08:08 - Vilatte's potential. 00:09:01 - Vilatte was attractive to Belgians because he spoke their language. 00:11:03 - Impact Vilatte left on the area. 00:13:55 - Peoples' current attitude about this religious upheaval. 00:18:19 - Transition to other religions when Vilatte left. 00:18:58 - Difference between Old Catholics and Episcopalians. 00:20:47 - No Old Catholics in this area now, but there were some throughout the United States. 00:21:44 - Comments on Vilatte's character. 00:23:58 - Reasons for his wanting to be a bishop. 00:27:09 - Mr. Greene's observation that the peninsula attracts many colorful characters. 00:29:57 - Deacon George Plinney - one of the other colorful characters of the area.