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00:00:03 - Special masses said for the dead - past and present. 00:02:55 - Pilgrimages to chapel at Robinsonville. 00:05:38 - Wayside chapels - names of local chapels, people's attitudes today. 00:12:07 - Easter-egg hunts, church bells. 00:15:55 - New Year's - visits to neighbors, waffles. 00:18:09 - St. Nicholas's Day. 00:19:12 - Visits on name days. 00:19:38 - Christmas. 00:20:04 - Maypoles. 00:22:08 - Belgian attitudes toward mortgages, property division. 00:26:26 - Attitudes toward taxes. 00:29:34 - Elected officials in family and their duties - Treasurer, Superintendent of Schools, Assessor. 00:31:42 - Views on local control today.