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00:00:04 - Introduction 00:00:51 - Milkhouse and pigpen were built more recently by the Wendricks. They no longer have pigs. 00:01:34 - They lived there 34 years on June 1st, 1976 (moved in 1943). 00:01:44 - Use of pork that they raised: sold it to other farmers, slaughtered it and prepared it for themselves. 00:02:09 - Description of the place and process of pig slaughter. 00:03:24 - They did not use the blood but they cooked and ate the brain. 00:03:56 - Other families made blood sausage. 00:04:38 - Description of the preparation of pork (canning procedure). 00:06:05 - The house is built on solid rock. 00:07:13 - Procedure for salting pork. 00:09:39 - Description of smokehouse on Mr. Wendricks' original home farm. 00:10:47 - How the Wendrickses happened to buy the farm from the LeGraves (lived with Mr. Wendricks' parents when they were first married). 00:11:29 - The LeGraves moved to Brussels after selling the farm. 00:12:10 - Changes on the Wendricks' farm: enclosed the porch (1961), made a new milkhouse (1945). Had bad conditions for milk at first (unsanitary). 00:14:05 - There is no outdoor oven on Wendricks' present farm. There was one on the farm Mr. Wendricks grew up on. 00:15:23 - The clotheslines at the present farm were moved. 00:15:43 - Water pipes from the well ran over the house to the barn. They had leakage and freezing problems. 00:16:51 - The summer kitchen always used to have a stove but doesn't any more. 00:18:02 - The basement has a sump pump. The basement often floods because of the rock floor. 00:19:32 - The house (built 1877) is begining to crack. Construction date is carved on a rock on the corner of the house. 00:19:58 - The shop (blacksmith) is north of the house. The brooder house is NW of the house. The chicken coop is on the south side of the threshing floor. 00:22:54 - The barn running east and west is for cows (east end), horses (middle) and heifers (west end). 00:23:57 - The roofs used to be wood shingle before they were tin. 00:24:14 - He built the heifer barn 12 years ago. 00:24:43 - The granary is north of the brooder house. 00:25:14 - The granary was here when they moved in, but they put a new door on it. 00:26:16 - The garden has been expanded while the orchard has decreased in size. They have a large potato garden.