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00:00:04 - Basement in stone house: nature and use. 00:00:35 - Homemade beer and wine. 00:00:55 - Backyard grape arbor and all the other bushes, just like in Belgium today. 00:01:42 - Making wine, didn't add anything but mashed grapes. Didn't have anything else for the kids to drink, either. 00:03:02 - The beer was made in a vat in a special shed, no longer present. Fire pot was under a big wooden vat, for barley and hops, which were boiled for twelve hours after having been dried. 00:05:39 - Bought canned starter at the store in later years. 00:06:17 - Lots of neighbors made moonshine, but not LeGraves. Made from rye, or corn suet if rye was in tight supply. Sort of like whiskey. The whole drinking philosophy. 00:08:14 - Joe Rouers, Rankins, the Vilatte church in Duvall and others all always had moonshine. 00:09:09 - Attic in the stone house filled with assorted trivia: a civil war uniform, a horn, an apple peeler and corer and slicer. Grandpa didn't like Grace up there. Also had tools for making wooden shoes. 00:10:33 - Grandfather made and sold many pairs of wooden shoes from basswood. 00:12:11 - Basket-making for their own use. 00:12:46 - Wooden shoes sold at Ruben's store and then in Green Bay, too. 00:13:39 - Grace's last memories of Grandpa LeGrave. 00:14:55 - Old horses, they got the best feed for doing all the work, thus the milk production fell to practically nothing in winter, when there was little feed left over for the cows. 00:15:42 - Pea soup - herbs grown for it in their garden. 00:17:03 - Other fruit from the garden: apples, pears, apricots, etc., similar to Belgium. 00:18:20 - Pies for the Kermis were stored in the basement to keep them fresh. 00:19:10 - Stone crock in the basement for salted meat. 00:19:27 - Manufactured their own wooden tubs. 00:19:51 - Watering and feeding troughs were also built on the farm. At first they had to pump and carry the water from the well to the barn by hand. Later they got a gasoline pump to move the water through pipes. 00:21:30 - LeGraves' attitudes toward modern changes. People aren't as happy anymore, no longer anyone singing in the fields. 00:22:32 - Never used the phases of the moon for when to plant or butcher. 00:23:26 - Butchered in the late fall. 00:23:47 - Canning beef and salting pork, used to leave the rind on pork when butchering: better flavor, but not as good for you. 00:25:54 - Wood lot - hauling and cutting the wood. 00:27:03 - Threshing maching used to cut the wood with the aid of a team of horses. 00:28:27 - Splitting the wood. 00:29:29 - Zing of the saw, very dangerous. 00:30:17 - Farm tasks vs. today's convenience.